for Cyber Safety & Standards
standards of protocol
The world wide web is one of the greatest inventions of mankind and truly one of the most impactful in all of history. Through its rapid evolution, the internet has essentially integrated with the physical world to the extent a parallel civilization has been spawned. Nearly every human interaction takes place there from business, education, and livelihood to entertainment, romance, and family. Ironically though, laws and regulations existing in the real world protecting us from harm, are largely inconsistent or absent altogether in the cyber world. Because of this, the internet has become one of the most dangerous domains on earth with the ability to take the lives of both children and adults. It is therefore the primary focus of the Global Institute to establish a framework of safety standards for all internet users through raising awareness, instigating change, and offering support. Currently there are no existing international policies or effective national laws dealing with the grave issues of cybercrimes. Although some countries have taken strides tackling cyberbullying in younger age groups by passing provisional laws, this is only an aspect to a larger problem that remains a lethal matter for adults and demands the attention of lawmakers worldwide. Cyber-harassment crimes are accounting for more suicide deaths than ever before, statistically eclipsing existing trends.
The Global Institute is calling for more stringent internet regulations. The ideals of free speech seen round the world in different cultures and governances must not be confused with a faulty perceived right to obliterate and destroy another person online. Law enforcement must be granted the power to identify and apprehend those committing flagrant abuses on the internet just as they are in the streets and establishments of any civilized town, city, or country. Cyber criminals must be held accountable for the damage they inflict on others and not be allowed to hide in anonymity. Social media platforms must be charged with the responsibility of reasonable vigilance and to remove obvious defamatory, damaging content posted on their sites. A new bar must be set along with the establishment of a fundamental cyber-etiquette so that children using technology today will learn to be mature adults interacting on the internet tomorrow.
We fervently believe these goals and standards are sensible and can be achieved within a reasonable timeframe. It is our intent to foster progress in abating cybercrime worldwide and continue to be committed to serving those in need. We aim to create change and bring new standards to the way the internet is governed. The following are some of the primary standards we feel are most important:
• The distinction between what is termed free speech and that which is intentionally vile, malicious, and abusive language, must be clearly defined. There should be no tolerance for the latter to be directed at anyone. Those found breaking this standard should immediately be publically identified and forfeit the privilege to participate on respective websites.
• Law enforcement must be granted the power to identify and apprehend those committing flagrant abuses on the internet just as they are in the streets and establishments of any civilised town, city, province or country.
• All cyber criminals must be held accountable for the damage they inflict on others and not be allowed to hide in obscurity. Victims should have swift legal recourse against those who inflicted damage on them.
• Social media platforms must be charged with the responsibility of reasonable vigilance and to speedily remove defamatory and damaging content posted on their sites if requested to do so by a victimised user.
• A new bar must be set along with the establishment of a fundamental cyber–etiquette so that children using technology today will learn to be mature adults interacting on the internet tomorrow.